pp108 : Business Process Management Service Properties Interface

Business Process Management Service Properties Interface

This topic describes the properties of the Service.

The Business Process Management Service properties interface helps you to create a connector for the admin database, process engine database, CoBOC repository, and scheduler settings for the Business Process Management Service container. Refer to General, JRE settings, and Log Settings for information on the settings of the respective tabs in the service properties interface. This topic describes the various fields in the Business Process Management tab.


You may specify Log4J settings for business logging feature in the Log Settings tab.

  • In the Log Settings tab view, clear the Use System Policy check box and select the Enable Logging check box. This enables the log category related fields in Logger Severities.
  • In the Category column of the tabular view of logger severities, select Process Platform BPM Business Logging category and select Debug, Information, Warning, Error and or Fatal severity check boxes as required.
    This ensures that only the specified type of severity is picked from the business logging tab irrespective of the severity type that you select at the time of business logging. Logger severity indicates the impact of an error on the execution of the business process model through the log message.
  • At times, during the execution of a business process that has a ForEach, While or Until loops in it, upon reaching the maximum iteration limit, the iterations are not suspended and continue into an endless loop. To avoid this situation, it is necessary to suspend iteration when the maximum iteration limit is reached, and send an alert message to the Administrator. To accomplish this, pass the property 'cordys.bpm.runtime.maxiterationcount' as a JVM argument. In the JRE Configuration tab of the Business Process Management Service properties, expand Set the Parameters groupbox, click and pass the property 'cordys.bpm.runtime.maxiterationcount' as a JVM argument in the JVM Property field. and click .
    If the Administrator resumes the process, the process will continue with its iterations till it executes the loop for maximum iterations specified in the JVM argument.

The Query Process Instance Data tab is used to create an application connector for accessing process instance data. This tab displays the database connection details which were used during the creation of the application connector. To create an application connector, you must have the role of Process Administrator. The following advantages are obtained:

  • When Process Administrator operates on process instance data then, it does not interfere with operations of BPM SOAP processor and thus improves performance
  • End user can have multiple BPM SOAP processors for different users or organizations but there can be only one Query Process Instance Data Processor sufficing the requirements of the Process Administrator
  • When either of the SOAP processors is shut down or fails to start then, it does not affect the other processor
  • End user can create an application connector with the credentials of a person who should only be provided read-only view to the PIM data
Table 1. Fields on the Query Process Instance Data tab




The name of the organization - system.

Select Database Configuration

The location where the database is configured.

Database Configuration Description

A description for the database configuration.


The name of the database driver used.

DB User

A user name to access the database. Provide a user name.

This authentication will work only with SQL server and OLEDB configuration. If you want to connect to the SQL server with Windows authentication, leave the User and Password fields blank.

Default Database

The default database that will be accessed. Specify a database.

Database Vendor

The name of the database vendor.


The name of the database provider.

Server/Instance Name

The name of the server or the instance where the database is available.

Set precedence to NULL

Select this check box to set the database value to null in the following conditions:

  • When you use templates for Web services that have an update request in a business process model.
  • When you set null as true in the update request and also data for the same field(s).
  • When there is a need for the database value to remain null If this field is not selected, the data will be stored in the field.

Support special characters in XML

If this check box is selected, special characters are supported in XML. The encoding or decoding of special characters in XML takes some time and slows down the performance of the machine. Therefore, users should clear this check box if the database does not have any table or fields with special characters.

Support Multibyte

If this check box is selected, multibyte characters, such as Chinese alphabet, are supported.

Query Cache


The number of queries to be cached.

Refresh Interval

The refresh rate for the query cache.

Cursor Cache


The number of cursors to be cached.

Refresh Interval

The refresh rate for the cursor cache.

Database Connections


The number of minimum and maximum read connections dedicated for this service.

  • Minimum: The minimum value is 1.
  • Maximum: The maximum value is 10.


The number of minimum and maximum update connections dedicated for this service.

  • Minimum: The minimum value is 1.
  • Maximum: The maximum value is 10.

The Business Process Management Service can share a single Operating System (OS) process with the following services, provided all processors sharing this OS Process point to the same CoBOC database.

  • Admin Database
  • CoBOC Service
  • Rule Repository Service
  • Scheduler Service

Following is the list of tabs that appear within the Business Process Management tab in the properties of the Business Process Management Service:

  • Admin Database
  • Process Engine
  • Data Transformation
  • Scheduler
  • Rule Repository
  • Binary Parser

The Rule Repository tab appears only when you select the Enable Rule Engine check box and the Binary Parser tab appears only when you select the Enable Binary Parser check box in the Process Engine tab.

The Admin Database is used for storing executed process instances and the CoBOC Repository is used for storing published business process models.

Table 2. Fields on the Admin Database, Data Transformation, Scheduler and Rule Repository Tabs

Section/Group box



Select Database Configuration

When you select an existing database configuration, the admin database is pointed to it otherwise, if you select a new database configuration, the New Database Configuration window appears and you need to point the admin database to the new database configuration. Select an existing database configuration from the drop-down list or select a new database configuration.

Database Configuration Description

Describes the database configuration for running Process Platform. This is a read-only field.


Based upon which database configuration you selected, this field displays the database driver name. By default, the Database Configuration points to one of the following database drivers:

Advanced Properties section

Set precedence to NULL

When there are Web services with an update request in a business process model, templates are often used by the user. In such a scenario, select this check box to set the database value to null. In an update request, if the NULL attribute is set to 'true' and data is specified, the database value will still be null.

Support special characters in XML

If you want to encode or decode special characters in XML, select this check box to enable support for special characters in XML. The encoding or decoding of special characters in XML takes some time and slows down the performance of the machine. Therefore, you must clear this check box if the database does not have any table or fields with special characters.

Support Multibyte

Based upon your business requirement, you may want to support other languages such as the Chinese alphabet .Select this check box to support multibyte characters.

Share Connection Pool

Select this check box to enable applications using Process Platform Select this check box to initialize the Binary Parser to share same connection pool for multiple components.

Fields in Query Cache group box


Displays the number of queries to be cached.

Refresh Interval

Displays the refresh rate for the query cache.

Cursor Cache group box


Displays the number of cursors to be cached.

Refresh Interval

Displays the refresh rate for the cursor cache.

Database Connections group box


The number of read database connections dedicated for this service. Displays the Minimum and Maximum number of database connections.

  • Minimum: The minimum value is 1.
  • Maximum: The maximum value is 10.


The number of read database connections dedicated for this service. Displays the Minimum and Maximum number of database connections.

  • Minimum: The minimum value is 1.
  • Maximum: The maximum value is 10.

Runtime Properties section

This section is visible only for the Rule Repository tab.

Max. Value for dispatcher queue size

Maximum number of asynchronous rule actions that can be queued in the dispatcher queue. The default size is 50000.

Setting it to 0 will allow infinite number of rule actions in the queue and may result in Out of Memory error. Depending on the application's requirements, change the size of the dispatcher queue. Higher value of the parameter allows for higher memory and lower value limits memory usage It is exposed to JMX as a cold setting.

Rule Action Threads

Number of threads that are assigned for a rule action.If the number of transactions performed by the rule engine, involving external actions, is huge, increase the size of the rule action threads. The default size is 5.

Trace Rule Execution

When you select this checkbox, tracing of rule execution is enabled. The status of the rules can be monitored from the COBOC Transaction Monitor

Advanced Options

This tab appears only in the Data Transformation tab view.

Table 3. Fields on the Advanced Options Tab




A memory store to hold business objects. Type the number of such stores available for maintaining the cache.

  • Minimum value is 1.
  • Maximum value is 10.
  • Default value is 10.

Initial Capacity

The minimum capacity of each hashbin (memory store) to store business objects. Type the initial capacity of each hashbin in terms of the number of business objects it can hold.

  • Minimum value is 100.
  • Maximum value is 1000.

Object Idle Time (in Mins)

The maximum time (in minutes) the cache instances can remain idle in the cache.

  • Minimum value is 1.
  • Maximum value is 60.

Process Engine Tab

Table 4. Fields on the Process Engine Tab



Thread Pool for Long Lived Processes

Specify the number of business processes that can run simultaneously. An increase in the number of threads increases the number of processes running in parallel, but at the cost of consuming greater memory. The default value is 5.

Process Model Cache Size Specify the number of business process models that can be cached. The default value is 200.

Client Connection Group

Displays the current connection point group. Click to select a connection point group and click OK in the Connection Point Groups window to send SOAP requests to Service Groups (SOAP nodes).

Enable Process Monitoring

Select this check box to enable process monitoring at the SOAP Processor level. This overrides all settings made at the process and activity levels.

Enable Crash Recovery

Select this check box if you want to resume processes from the point where they had stopped (for example, due to Service Containers failures and so on.

Activate Debug Points

Debug points are usually defined on activities at the time of designing a business process model. This is done to identify and suitably address any bottlenecks that the process may encounter at the time of execution. When the debug points are activated at the Business Process Management Service Container level, it becomes possible to identify the debug points during run time. When a debug point is encountered, the business process goes into a Debug Ready state in PIM. You may then choose to either debug the process instance activity by activity to identify and address the bottleneck or resume the process instance. Activate Debug Points remains enabled by default. However, you may choose not to enable this feature which will refrain you from identifying the debug points even if they are enabled or selected at activity level in the business process model. Select this check box to activate debug points defined in the process model.

Enable Binary Parser

Select this check box to initialize the Binary Parser in an embedded mode. When selected, a Binary Parser tab appears in the Business Process Management window, where you can configure the Binary Transformation Channel.

Enable Priorities

Select this check box to execute business process models based on priority. The Type of algorithm drop-down list appears when you select the Enable Priorities check box.Priorities can be set while modeling a process (Refer to Business Process Model Properties pane), or at run time (Refer to ExecuteProcess API).

Enable Rule Engine

Select this check box to enable support for decision tables in business process models. The Rule Repository tab view appears where you can modify the database configuration details suitably.

Enable Data Transformation

Select this check box to provide the CoBOC configuration with which the Data Transformation is configured. The Data Transformation tab appears. Provide the CoBOC configuration details. These details will be used by the engine in an embedded mode, to execute the transformations if the 'XSLtransform' Web service is used in the business process model.

Type of Algorithm

This list is available when you select the Enable Priorities check box. From this list, select the priority algorithm that you want to apply for executing processes, and specify the required information.The following table describes the types of algorithms which you can use to execute processes.

  • Aging Algorithm: Processes with the highest priority are executed first, followed by the ones with lower priority. If you:
    • Want to change the priority of process instances periodically to a higher priority so that all processes in the priority queue can be eventually executed, select the the Allow time based promotions check box. Specify the frequency (in seconds) at which the priority of the process instance will be assigned a higher priority in the Aging Time box.
    • Do not want to change priorities of process instances in the priority queue, clear the Allow time based promotions check box.
  • Pseudo time slicing: A set of processes are executed from each priority in the priority queue until all the processes have finished executing.
    • Stage 1: Five processes of high priority will execute.
    • Stage 2: Four processes of above normal priority will execute.
    • Stage 3: Three processes of normal priority will execute.
    • Stage 4: Two processes of below normal priority will execute.
    • Stage 5: One process of low priority will execute.
    • Stage 6: Stage 1 to Stage 5 is repeated until all the processes execute.
  • Custom: In the Implementation Class field, type the fully qualified Java class name that will handle the execution of priority-based processes.

Related concepts

Contract First Development

Related tasks

Defining Log Messages for an Activity
Creating a Business Process Model
Designing a Business Process Model
Attaching Web Services to a Business Process Model
Setting the Properties of a Business Process Model
Validating a Business Process Model
Creating Roles

Related reference

Business Process Model Properties Interface

Related information

Using Logging Service in a Business Process
Configuring BPMN Constructs
Using Message Maps
Modeling Business Processes
Instantiating a Business Process Model